How to set up a free “in memory” fundraising page

White Rose Blog Article

You can use JustGiving to create an online page in memory of your loved one where family and friends can donate to your chosen charity. Donations are often requested in lieu of funeral flowers and this makes it easy to manage the process.

Here are the steps you need to follow to create an online fundraising page using JustGiving:

STEP 1: First steps

  • Go to
  • Click on ‘Start fundraising’
  • Select ‘A charity’

STEP 2: Log in / create account

You will then be asked to create an account. If you already have a JustGiving account yourself, simply log in to it. If you do not have a JustGiving account, you’ll need to set one up using either the Facebook login or email / password option.

STEP 3: Setting up the page

  • Search for the charity you wish to support and select it
  • For ‘What are you doing’ select the ‘Remembering Someone’ option
  • Complete the form, including a unique fundraising web address. For the following questions:
    • Gift Aid – select YES
  • Once you have completed all the options, select ‘Create your page’

STEP 4: Personalising the page

You can then personalise the page as follows:

  • Upload a cover photo
  • Give the page a headline, e.g. In Memory of [Name]
  • Set a fundraising goal
  • Complete the ‘Tell your story’ section

STEP 5: Promoting the page

Once you have created your page, copy the URL (web address in the top bar) and use this link to ask for donations.

If White Rose are creating an online Funeral Notice for you, we will need this link for the funeral notice page.

Additional tips

  • You can also send donations to the charity directly and use the ‘Raised offline’ function to add these to your page so they’re included in your fundraising total – see this help page
  • To delete a JustGiving page, click to edit the page and in Page Settings select ‘Cancel your page’
  • For more help see Raising money in memory of a loved one

White Rose Modern Funerals – funeral directors based in Teddington – assist families in SW London and Surrey with all aspects of arranging a funeral, including an online funeral notices page with an RSVP option and donation link (see funeral notice demonstration page). For help with arranging a funeral or if you have any questions please call us on 020 3281 1045.