Oakfield Wood is located in the stunning Surrey Hills area, between the Guildford Road and the Run Common Road adjacent to Manzel Nurseries just north of Rowly and between Shamley Green and Cranleigh, easily accessible from the A3.

What Shamley Green offers
- Services provided: Burials and ashes interments.
- For ceremonies: The pavilion is available for the ceremony.
- Graves: The right for both full interment and the interment of cremated remains is granted in perpetuity, so graves are not subject to lease renewal after a term of years.
- Type of coffin / urn accepted: Full Interments in shrouds or coffins made of cardboard, softwood or other similar readily biodegradable materials only are permitted.
- Grave marking / memorialisation: At each grave they plant a broadleaf tree and place a laser engraved wooden plaque bearing the full name and dates of birth and death of the deceased.

Woodland Burials
Oakfield Wood
Guildford Road
Shamley Green
T: 01255 870 970
Burial fees
How much does a natural burial at Oakfield Wood at Shamley Green cost?
- Burial: £1,460
- Ash Interment: £1,310
Please note, this does not include funeral director fees and other costs – for more details see our pricing for natural burials.
Fees shown above correct as at August 2024. Please double check the current fees by calling Woodland Burials on 01255 870 970.
Policies & Sustainability
- Tree planting policy: Their management scheme takes account of both our consultation with the Forestry Commission and schemes with Wildlife Trusts. Tree planting takes place in the dormant season, between the months of November and March.
- Maintenance regime: The grounds are not intended to be manicured, but left to develop naturally, subject to a certain degree of management until the canopy of the trees takes over.
- Long term vision: The burial ground is becoming an established woodland and provides a sanctuary for birds and wildlife.
- Grave marking / memorialisation: At each grave they plant a broadleaf tree and place a laser engraved wooden plaque bearing the full name and dates of birth and death of the deceased.
- Memberships: [TBC]
Independent funeral director
helping families across London & Surrey
You can speak to us anytime on 020 3281 1045 – we’re open 24/7