With a burial funeral, the body of the person who has died is interred either at a traditional cemetery or a natural burial ground.
The funeral service can be held at a church or alternative ceremonial venue.

How does a Burial funeral work?
About burial funerals
In the UK, burials are less common than cremation funerals. The burial can take place in a traditional cemetery or a natural burial ground.
Some graveyards or burial sites have a ceremonial venue or chapel that can be used for a service. Alternatively the service may be held at a separate venue such as a church – or you can opt for a simple graveside service.
The burial will involve lowering of the coffin into the grave. For this you may wish to have family members involved or use our team of professional pallbearers.
Once the burial has taken place, for a traditional cemetery you can arrange for a memorial stonemason to install the gravestone after the ground has settled (this may take from six to twelve months). Natural burial grounds generally do not allow a permanent memorial, however some will have options for gravemarkers or trees.
After the burial, you may wish to gather for a few minutes of relaxed conversation before departing for the funeral reception.
How to arrange a burial funeral
At White Rose Modern Funerals, we help families through the process of arranging a burial funeral.
The first step is to explore which cemetery or natural burial ground will be the most suitable one to use, based on its location and what type of burial you wish to arrange.
A burial will involve the purchase of a plot, completion of official forms and payment of the interment fee. Once the plot has been chosen, at White Rose Modern Funerals we will help with completion of all of the official forms that need to be submitted prior to the funeral.
We then look after your family member until the day of the funeral. At White Rose Modern Funerals, you will always have the reassurance that who you initially meet with will also be there on the day.
Types of Burial Funeral
Cemetery Burial

A burial funeral at a traditional cemetery. Whether you wish for a quiet farewell at the graveside only, or for a service at a cemetery chapel, church or alternative venue first.
Simple graveside service only: from £2,150
With Church ceremony: from £2,450
Natural Burial

Surrounded by nature in a woodland, meadow, nature reserve or field, a natural burial funeral is a gentle and environmentally friendly alternative to a traditional cemetery.
Simple graveside service only: from £2,150
Ceremony plus graveside burial: from £2,450
We’re here to help you – call 020 3281 1045
Why choose a burial funeral?
There are many reasons why someone might choose a burial funeral rather than a cremation funeral.
For some people, a traditional cemetery burial is important because it allows them to have a physical location with a lasting memorial headstone, where they can visit and remember the person who has died. Similarly, a natural burial provides a peaceful and scenic place to visit year after year in the knowledge that your loved one has become one with nature.
The tradition and ceremony of a burial funeral may be more in line with certain religious or cultural beliefs and customs than a cremation.
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